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I am 34 yrs old. I have three girls. My oldest is Carla who is 16 and very smart, Janice and Ruth are twins and they are 11 and very alert of this messed up world. we are living with my stepmom in Ohio. I recently moved back to to ohio I cant stand for people to promise just to get what they want and then its ok to fuck the other.. Puttin your heart on the line is bullshit. I dislike liars, haters and those just out for themselves. I'm a good hearted person that has been fucked over one tooooo many times. Call me damaged goods but i do have respect for myself and my girls


  • South University
  • Midland Trail High School
  • Mount Hope High School

Favorite saying

  • "I love that people are so jealous. Haters are always wanted..."

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