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mY nAmE iS sErGiO lEe rAmOs cAnCer 87 from aMaRiLlO yeLLoW ciTy aKa LuRcH .. dOiNg tHe dEw N lIvIn lIfE 1 dAy aT a tImE.... ~iM NoT ThE WeAtHeR, Im ThE SaMe ToDaY, ToMoRrOw, n 4EvEr!!!


  • Amarillo College
  • Palo Duro High School

Favorite saying

  • "hElLo hElLo.. FuCk iT iN a BuCkEt... ChEcK iT oR ReSpEcT iT.. wHaTs UnDeRsTooD shouldn't hAvE tO Be ExPlaiNed....."

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