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Kim Kingsbury

  • female
  • It's complicated


I DON'T Care if YOU GET ME or not, Most people don't. I crack MYSELF up !!! I am A Christian, not perfect, I don't float on clouds. Only Jesus was perfect the only one. By His Grace I am made righteous. I DON"T CARE if YOU GET ME or not. Most people Don't. I crack MYSELF up!! I am a Christian, not perfect and I can't float on clouds. Only JESUS was perfect, THE ONLY ONE. By HIS Grace I am redeemed.Following Christ is not a "religion" its not what you eat or wear or how many times you can recite "Hail Mary" , to be forgiven. It is asking Jesus to come into your heart. It is not how good you are and you can't buy your way to heaven either. "He who believes in ME (JESUS) shall have eternal life." To believe means to have a relationship and to have a relationship means to know HIM and to know HIM is to learn about HIM and study HIS word. Do you only talk to someone you love with all your heart just 1 hour a week or do you talk as often as possible, daily even? Don't wait til the last few minutes of your life and then say OH GOD, do it NOW !The offer is only good while you're alive! Your choice, Heaven or Hell?

Favorite saying

  • "Wedding Vows.....To love, honor, cherish til DEATH do us part If they tell you that it's not a baby. then you're not pregnant, Right? Hey I'm not Judging anyone, just that I have good friends with deep regrets that can't be taken back. back"

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