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so i love to write stories and poems. along w/ singing, ballroom dancing (enlight ballroom team), acting, soccer or any sport, and anything FUN! :D want to know more? send me a message ;) " that was the most intense thing I have ever done on accident " "you have prince charming, i have a country boy. your hearts broken, mines in love with a dirty farm boy! lifes not a fairytale so get yourself in the real world" "This is your world. And if you don't shape it; somebody else will <3"

Favorite saying

  • ""you never know how STRONG you are until being STRONG is the only thing you have left." "a true friend sees the 1st tear, catches the 2nd, and slaps the moron who cause the 3rd." "Don't chase them, replace them." "I've built a wall, not to block anyone out, but to see who loves me enough to climb over it." "i finally stay awake at night because my life is finally better than my dreams." "no man is worth your tears, and if he is he won't make you cry." "i saw you and was afraid to talk to you. i talked to you and was afraid to like you. i liked you and was afraid to love you. now that i love you im afraid to lose you." "talking to yourself is okay. answering yourself is drawing the line, but when you answer yourself and say 'huh?'. it's short bus time." I can't remember the last time I cried because of you, but i can remember when i cried for you. ---JP ♥ Love ♥ is giving someone the power to destroy you....but trusting them not to.... Everyone may know me as the "girl that's always happy" but behind the naked eye I'm just a girl that's bleeding tears. "I am damaged at best, like you've already figured out, I'm falling apart I'm barely breathing with a broken heart that's still Beating im holding on I'm barely holding on to you..." "My wife's on insulin cause im so sweet, my wife's on oxygen cause i take her breath away" And suddenly I become a part of your past I'm becoming the part that don't last I'm losing you and it's effortless ♥ everything with you needs to be in person ♥ i hate the distance that keeps us apart...but i know we'll always be together "i close my eyes and take your hand, givin you my heart, hoping that one day soon nothing will keep us apart..." why do you do what ya do to me? why won't you answe, me answer me? "a true friend never hurts you physically, mentally, emotionally, or spiritually."--grandpa mark <3 If you are going through hell, keep going.--Winston Churchill Everything is okay in the end, if it's not ok, then it's not the end. Life is too short, so kiss slowly, laugh insanely, love truly and forgive quickly. You have to have a darkness...for the dawn to come.--Harrison Ford The human race has one really effective weapon, and that is laughter.--Mark Twain It is easier to forgive an enemy than to forgive a friend.--William Blake "Do what makes you happy Be with who makes you smile Laugh as much as you breathe Love as long as you live" You've got to do what's right for you. Even if it hurts some people you love. -TTQ Ohne dich kann ich nicht sein=w/out you i can not be "i feel the heat, i feel the burn, but baby im so cold...oh so cold because of you" You don't love a Woman because she is beautiful, she is beautiful because you love her. JP Happiness Is a choice that requires effort. JP Those who have evil done to them, do evil in return. JP We need not think alike, to love alike. JP The weak can never forgive, Forgiveness is a attribute of the strong.GANDHI The Torture of a bad Conscience, is the hell of a living soul. Unknown We Know the truth,not only by the reason, but also by the heart. Pascal Never Apologize for showing feeling. When you do so you apologize for the truth.JP "why do you love me?--me Because your nice and an angel and smart and funny. I love your smile and your laugh... The way you make everything sparkle :)--CP" " that was the most intense thing I have ever done on accident " "Cause its not humanly possible to love someone more than i love you. But i guess its possible you do... Cause your not a living human your an angel"--CP I might not be the prettiest i might not be the smartest i might not be perfect but with you i feel perfect you have prince charming, i have a country boy. your hearts broken, mines in love with a dirty farm boy! lifes not a fairytale so get yourself in the real world when i tell you that i love you it's not out of habit, or to make conversation. it's to remind you that you're the best thing that's ever happened to me. Loving someone after having your heart broken is like learning to walk again, difficult to do but in the end its so worth it "You never know how soon it will be too late." I might hug other guys, i might laugh with other guys, i might even hang out with other guys...but none of them will ever mean to me as much as you do. "Ill always be here whether you want me to be, need me to be, or leave me to be. I love you no matter what"--Nate Rasmussen "we will begin by walking through the park holding hands while i carry the picnic basket and you carry the blanket we will sit down and watch as the swans land on the lake across from us but slowly come closer for the bread they nestle down on our blanket and fall asleep with their long gracefull necks beneath their wings you look up at me with that cute smile and piercing eyes, and so we both get up very quietly so as not to disturb them, we leave everything and run silent and barefoot which turns into a race through the forest to a smaller area of the lake where there is a rope swing willows and a bench barely in the water we get to the rope swing at the same time and im hugging the rope as you wrap your legs around me, the rope reaches its peak and i try to let go but you hold my legs down with yours and thats when i look up to see your face. It is painted with nothing but love and happiness, a paintbrush only an angel would use, you scan my eyes for everything you could ever search for looking deep into my very soul listening to all my secrets, there is no smile on your face, you are overcome with an emotion there is no word for it i memorize ever tint, every diagonal line in your iris, the rope swings to a stop and i stand on the huge bottom know with your legs wrapped around me. I slowly let go of the rope to place my hands around you and hold you and the rope together and thats when the wind blows the branches of the willow, your beautiful hair and your dress, my bangs, my sleeves and bottom of my over shirtwith the sun cracking through the overhanging canopy the rays shine through your hair then one breaks through and lights fire to your eyes and THAT Karissa Dawn Smith, is when i would kiss you "--Nate Rasumussen guy: i don't like you wearing that dress. girl: ok. guy: you'll wear a very very long dress next time, understand? ...girl: (am i a nun?) ok fine. guy: with a veil. girl: (angry) guy: wearing this ring. girl: (speechless) XD <3 Girl: Promise you won't love any other girl? Boy: I can't... Girl: So there's someone else...? Boy: Yes she will look exactly like you but a lot younger and she will call you 'mommy' ~*~ I Don't Mind When Our Conversations Get A Little Boring Or When We're Texting & We Run Out Of Things To Say . I Don't Care When We're Hanging Out & We're Doing Absolutely Nothing , Because Just Having You Is Enough To Make Me Happy. Smiling doesn't always mean you're happy, sometimes it simply means that you are a strong person Husband: everytime I make you cry, you never fight back. how do you manage your anger? Wife: I clean the toilet seat... Husband: How does it help? Wife: I use your toothbrush!!!! A couple drove down a country road for several miles, not saying a word. An earlier discussion had led to an argument and neither of them wanted to concede their position. As they passed a barnyard of mules, goats and pigs, the husband asked sarcastically, "Relatives of yours?" "Yep," the wife replied, "in-laws." Just like Barbie Always smiling, even if she doesn't want to... Just because I don't talk to you, it doesn't mean I still don't think about you. I'm just dinstancing myself because I know I can't have you. -Wiz Khalifa Girl: What if a boy hugs me? Mom: Say Don't Girl: What if he kisses me? Mom: Say stop. The next day when the girl goes to school her boyfriend hugs and kisses her well so she says as her mother told her to do and she quickly said DON'T STOP!!!!!..... *girl walks in wearing sweats, hair a mess, and NO make-up* boyfriend: hey! whats up?:) girlfriend: i feel about as great as i look.. :/ boyfriend: oh so u feel beautiful then?:) girlfriend: *blushes* :) ....this is what a boyfriend should do! <3 i get so jealous when I am watching MTV cribs. They're like "...and this is my bedroom where all the magic happens" I wish I had a magician that performed in my bedroom... Girl at 5 years of age: Daddy, can i go to Maddy's party? (: dad: sure, sweety. Girl at 13 years of age: Dad, can i go to the park with some friends? Dad: okay, but stay off the road, you hear me? Girl at 16 years of age: dad, can i please go to the movies with my boyfriend. Dad: I think i should come. Girl: .... -.- why am I so lonely,When you're right infront of me?Something isn't right,I can see it in your eyesI'm just trying to find...A truth behind the liesYou act like we're so closeBut we couldn't be more far apartAnd right now I can't handle Someone playing with my heart i don't wanna feel like this tomorrow, i don't wanna live like this today, make me feel better! I wanna feel better! Stay with me here now and never surrender... A wise man once sat in the audience & cracked a joke. All laughed like crazy. After a moment he cracked the same joke again and a little less people laughed this time. He cracked the same joke again & again, when there was no laughter in the crowd, he smiled and said, “When u can’t laugh on the same joke again & again, then why do u keep crying over the same thing over and over again” ‘Learn to move on’… Me: an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth Kaitelyn Kaitelyn: I dont just want one eye...i want half of the other one too! Me: What? Why? Kaitelyn: It's called taxation on the Law Of Moses Me: O.o "This is your world. And if you don't shape it; somebody else will <3""

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