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I am 24 and feel old already, I have been married 3 years to a wonderful man you breaks his back to support his family. I have 3 beautiful children who can ring my last nerves sometimes. My oldest is Aiden and he will be 4 in august and I cant believe how fast hes growing up. My daughter will be 3 in november and she is the queen bee. If she doesnt get her way she throws herself back and hits the floor so she will be hitting her head alot cuz I dont play that. I love her though and she gets away with alot with her daddy. Daddys little girl all the way. Then my lil man Leland he is 1 and he grew up faster the the other two or at least it feels like it. I am done having kids, they keep me busy all day and by the time bedtime rolls around I am exhusted but I still make time for my honey. I am I nice person who gets along with most people however there are few things that will make me your worst enemy. Dont run your mouth about my kids or touch them or I will go the fuck off. I am a very jealous woman when it comes to my husband and will not hesitate to kill a bitch over him. Other then that we will get along just fine.


  • IntelliTec College - Colorado Springs

Favorite saying

  • "Get In. Sit Down. Hold On. And Shut Up."

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