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Okayy, soo this boi right hurr is tewww fye! You better meet him like...legit. He's funny, adorable, he has.... a nice body girls, and....he's single! Ayeee, dass wassup! Anywho, I've known of him for a while but I've never really talked to him. I'm so glad I did start talking to him though. I swear, this guy will make your day alll the time! Even when you had a pretty screwed up day, talk to Sammy Dahling...and your day will be 2204850294x better! Oh, speaking of that name up there ^^ Only I, Tyra Janise Fields, can call him that. Get it? Got it? Good. Anywho, back to what I was saying...yeah, I'm really glad I was able to meet him. I can talk to him about annyything and everything and he won't judge me. He's just the sweetest guy everr. <3 Hahaha, he's already one of my close friends. Gosh, don't leave my life home boi! Hahaha, welll...this is long enough. You best do mine foo foo! Okayyy, I love you. Byeee. P.S. I'm sorry I'm not going to Hardagay next year...haha! Maybe college? Go to UGA. PLEASSEEEEE. K,bye. <3 - Tyra Janise


  • Faulkner University
  • Hardaway High School
  • Arnold Magnet Academy

Favorite saying

  • ""Whatever don't kill you, makes you stronger.""

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