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raised in a sweet little town in Georgia,, had a great and very close family 2 beautiful children moved to NY,,, ,,,, Moved back to Georgia children:s names are Jacklyn Coats and Michael Smith Lost Michael 7 years ago,,and my sister 2 years ago leaving just me and my momma...and me and my sister both promised Daddy that we make sure momma lived her days here on earth in her home and with what family we have left around her,,,we only have one mother and I am the only one left to carry out this promise and I meant it ,,you don go back on your word about family ....they are the only ones that you can honestly depend on,,,Blood is thicker than water love the Ga BullDogs love the south,, it will always be home maiden name Arnold .<3


  • Turner County High School
  • Turner County High School

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