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Favorite saying

  • ""Bill Maher: 'If Santa Claus can hit every house in the world.' Steve Berg: 'No, we don’t believe in Santa Claus.' Bill Maher: 'Of course not, that’s one man flying all around the world and dropping presents down a chimney. One man hearing everybody murmur at him at the same time, that I get.'- Religulous. "I Once Asked God For A Bike But Soon Realized It Did Not Work That Way... So I Stole A Bike And Asked God For Forgiveness" - Unknown "The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It is a very mean and nasty place It will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me or nobody is going to hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how hard you hit, it is about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward, how much can you take and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done!" Rocky Balboa"

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