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I finished my book! Unfortunately I write old school and write it all out long hand and not on the computer. Now I have to get it all on the computer. Once I do that then I can send it off for possible publication. God is SO good to us. Even when we aren't so good to Him. When problems come and we get angry at Him for them, I am thankful that he doesn't turn away from us. He is only a breath away and waiting for us to turn back to Him. . If God never does another thing for us I can say He blessed me through our darkest night and because of that I will serve him for the rest of my life. And be forever thankful that I can. I have three WONDERFUL children. 17, 16, &11. and an amazing 6 moth old grandson. Ok my kids drives my bonkers but don't they all? Still love them even when they do.


  • Bethany University
  • Centralia College
  • Renton High School
  • Lincoln High School

Favorite saying

  • "Life is hard, but God is good and He will make a way through. Tho He slay me, yet I will serve Him. Job 13:15 Wait on the Lord. Be strong and take heart and wait on the Lord. Ps 27:14 What doesn't kill us makes us stronger."

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