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Went to high school at arlington in indianapolis went to iu a couple years moved to new york city then to st louis then to atlanta and ended up in a small town on top of a mountain in rural alabama have two girls 7 gkids married to Mike since '76 caring but certainly not sweet by any stretch , curious- I go to the encyclopedia or internet at least once during every t.v. show (-once again drives Mike crazy ) & when I think of g'kids I tear up and think everyone on earth is interested in everything they say or do - sorry folks


  • Indiana University – Purdue University Indianapolis
  • Arlington High School, Indianapolis, IN

Favorite saying

  • "life is not what it is supposed to be-it is what it is=the way you cope with it is what makes the difference, another: I always turn to the sports section first because it records mens accomplishments; the front page has nothing but man's failures "

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