Us Army Infantryman...
"Big Guns Go Deep!!"
- Hillsborough Community College
- Lake Gibson Senior High
Favorite saying
- "That Girl has an Ass like a question mark, And Ive got the answer!
The more make up a woman wears the more she's tryin to hide. Make up can hide a lot of evil. - Phil Robertson
Nothin makes a dad happier than seeing his daughter with a smile on her face and her boyfriend with fear in his eyes - Willie Robertson
You need to be able to take a leak in your yard without someone saying, "hey what's he doing". -Phil Robertson
Hey, hommie don't play that - Si Robertson
When security comes, every man for himself - Si Robertson
"Whether you're talking about bees, dogs, or women, pain can come upon you quickly from either one of em." Phil Robertson
Where I live, I am 911. By Phil Robertson"