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My professional self: I equip English learners with the language tools to compete in the 21st century global marketplace. As an American, I have been given unlimited opportunities through the English language and culture. My work helps speakers of other languages and cultures to amplify their work, academic, and social opportunities through English. My life work has offered indispensable preparation for helping students to acquire English and dealing with the dynamics of ESL/EFL classrooms. Key threads in my work have included: • serving customers with grace • responding to customers’ and organizations’ changing needs, goals, and priorities • using collaborative planning strategies • following best practices • leading with shared values • managing technology projects • mentoring and coaching staff • forging alliances with people and organizations Prior to teaching ESL/EFL, I was a premier adjunct college instructor in Information Technology (IT). In addition, I was an accomplished IT manager and administrator for behavioral healthcare organizations. ........................................................... My personal self: I am a strong kinesthetic and visual learner. I enjoy activities that involve motion and artistry, and learn best through movement. Karate and dance have fed my thirst for movement that fuses mind, body, and spirit. International travel is definitely in my future, and I look forward to being an ambassador of the English language in my journeys.

Favorite saying

  • ""You can't eat on your principles." (my father, Albert Wells). "Wine is poetry in a bottle." (Clifton Fadiman) "A man's got to know his limitations." (Dirty Harry, Magnum Force)"

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