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Hello, my name is Bailey Giles, and I want to tell you a few things about me. First off, I AM AN OVERCOMER! I'm smart, kind, compassionate, and loyal. I definitely have A LOT of sass. I come from an average Joe family, but they're pretty exceptional to me. I prefer to embrace my quirks than just be a normie. (normal) To be quite frank, I don't believe there is such thing as "normal', because we're all different and exceptional creatures. I am trying to make it in this world, and to be quite frank, I have done a pretty good job. I am a very ambitious person. What I want for my life is the American Dream. Success.


  • Austin Peay State University
  • Christian Community Schools

Favorite saying

  • "1."NO one can make you inferior w/out your consent " Eleanor Roosevelt 2."Trough yonder window breaks" Shakespeare "3.The point is to develop the childlike desire for recognition and to guide the child is over to important fields for society. . such a school demands from the teacher that he be a kind of artist in his province.. Albert Einstein 4"I've lived to bury my desires , and see my dreams corrode with rust. now all that's left are fruitless fires that burn my empty heart to dust' " "5.To thales the primary question was not what to do we know, but how do we know we know it.." Aristotle 6."to follow by faith alone is to follow blindly" Ben Franklin 7."A flatterer is a friend who is your inferior or pretends to be so" Aristotle 8."To be or not the be: that's the question" Shakespeare 9."Can one desire too much of a good thing?" Shakespeare 10."But loves is blind, and lovers cannot see" Shakespeare 11."Fair is foul, and foul is fair" Shakespeare 12."Nature teaches beasts to know friends" Shakespeare 13."Knowing yourself is the beginning of wisdom" Aristotle 14."Happiness depends on ourselves" Aristotle 15."Hope is a waking dream" Aristotle 16."To preceive is to suffer" Aristotle 17."A friend to all is a friend of nothing" Aristotle 18."Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet" Aristotle 19."He who has overcome his fears will be truly free" Aristotle 20."The antidote for fifty enemies is one friend" Aristotle 21."A friend is a second self" Aristotle "What's in a name?? which we call a rose" Shakespeare 22."all things are possible through Jesus Christ" Phil. 4:13 23."for GOD so loved the world he sent his only son, and for whosoever believeth in him shall NOT perish but have eternal life. 24."I AM THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD" Jesus Christ 25."what would one say about who treats what? what would one say if someone treated them like they are somewhat incompetent, well that is just arrogance and hubris, loftiness, but then what would you do once they turn? what would you do if someone got you back?" Bailey Giles 26."what is competence? what is a friend? what does a friend have to do with whether you are competent or incompetent, WELL, it has a lot, yes, because a friend wouldn't treat you like you are gullible or incompetent, so what would happen?" Bailey Giles 27."is one gullible or a nerd? so, yes I am a nerd, but what would you do if you were treated like YOU were gullible. how mean can people be?" Bailey Giles 28."MY LAST REGRET: if i had a regret, my regret would be to not be in the know about people. my LAST regret that will follow me EVERYWHERE would be to not know people and to be a pushover." Bailey Giles 29."bailey, what would you do if you had one wish? i would make myself be a better me, my fantasy me.. BUT if we all lived in our "heaven" or paradise what would be the use of life. life is so crazy, you get on one ride and then you leave, you get on a train from the time you are born and when you die the train comes to a screeching HALT!! YOU have regrets, wishes, farewells, but what you do with them is your choice." bailey giles 30."my advice for the children that are being treated with little respect and little dignity is: yes, you are a little nerd or the misfit, but every one that said you are fat, nerdy, a freak, well you live well and that is the best revenge.. when they are barely surviving and you are a doctor or whatever you want to be then that is the best revenge." Bailey Giles 31."ha ha, yeah, i know u want to be that IT girl, or the football player or the quarterback, ha, yes, but no, sadly your dreams were crushed, ah, i know how that feels, i have a side to me that is like that.. oh well.. sorry i have been there and done that" Bailey Giles 32."i know how you feel, but would you rather be the jock and the popular child that had life SO easy.. NO!!! you want to be pushed and feared because you know so much and you do know all." Bailey Giles 33."IF U WANT RESPECT make them listen and make them earn it, because everyone deserves a chance at respect." Bailey Giles 34."Dr. Bailey, no one likes a girl that is emotional." Erica Hahn/Brooke Smith 35."... I don't want to spend the day bathed in your ignorance as well as your incompetence.." Erica Hahn 36."I do NOT like to be treated like that, because a, it questions my competence and it most definitely makes YOU look like a blithering idiot." Bailey Giles 37."PLEASE we just want to live a normal life!" Bailey Giles 38."yes, if one would want to say i am, go ahead, but the BEST revenge is to live well, be whom you want to be, and just live your life." 39."Blessed are the ones who are meek and humble for theirs is the kingdom of HEAVEN" Jesus Christ 40."I have been sleeping a thousand years it seems got to open my eyes.." Evanescence 41."..... i should know because this fool's in love again.." Inara George 42.."life... life is awesome, life is full of regrets, justice, what is our "heaven" what is our "paradise" i mean, NOTHING, because if we all lived in just paradise what is life for?" Bailey Giles 43.."Seriously??" Grey's Anatomy 44."..All we can do is keep breathing.." Ingrid Michaelson 45."...I have five rules remember them: Don't bother sucking up to me i already hate you enough, traumas, on call rooms sleep when you can where you can........ phone lists, pagers you answer EVERY page at a run a run!! that is rule number three, ..your shift starts now and last about 38 hours, your interns, grunts, nobodies bottom of the surgical food chain, you write orders, do labs, and work until you drop and do NOT complain. do not wake me if i am sleeping unless the patient is actually dying.. the patient better NOT be dead because not only would you have killed someone you would have woken me up for no reason.. are we clear? you said five that was four.. rule number five, you move i move... move!!!" Grey's Anatomy cast season four episode I 46."..007.. ( gasps ) it is George..!! John Doe is George." Grey's Anatomy season five episode 22 47."for every action there always opposed equal reaction" Issac Newton 48."tact is the art of making a point without making an enemy" Isaac Newton 49."science is organized knowledge" Herbert Spencer 50."Science the literature of truth" Josh Billings (Henry Wheeler Shaw) 51." William Hazlitt. 52."Science is piecemeal revelation" Oliver W. Holmes 53.."There are in fact two things, science and opinion; the former begets of knowledge and the latter of ignorance" Hippocrates 54."Those who are enslaved to their sects are merely devoid to all sound knowledge, but they will not even stop to learn!!!" Galen, Claudius 55."Laws of thermodynamics: You cannot win, you cannot break even, You can not stop playing the game" Anon 56."The male has more teeth than the female in mankind, and sheep and goats and swine, this has not been observed in other animals..Those persons who have the greatest number of teeth are the longest to live; those who have them widely separated, smaller, and more scattered are generally more short lived." 57."Give me a place to stand and i will move the earth" Archimedes 58."I was still rather a precocious young man, I already realized the vivid futility of the hopes and the aspirations that most men pursue throughout their lives" Albert Einstein 59."There are grounds of cautions optimism that we may now be near the search of the ultimate laws of nature" Stephen W. Hawking 60."I have seen further than others, it is by standing upon the shoulders of giants" Isaac Newton 61."Change favors the prepared mind" Louis Pasteur 62."Space travel is utter bilge" Richard Woolley 63."A physician without knowledge of astrology has no right to call himself physician" Hippocrates 64."Cure sometimes, treat often,comfort always" Hippocrates 65."What piece of work is a man?" Shakespeare 66."All of the world is a stage" Shakespeare 67."To be, or to not be" Shakespeare 68."I am going to marry the night!" Lady Gaga 69."Tomorrow, tomorrow, and tomorrow" Shakespeare 70."The world's mine oyster" Shakespeare 71."Fortune's fool!!" Shakespeare 72."Strive mightily" Shakespeare 73."Chance may crown me" Shakespeare's Macbeth 74."The patient must minister himself" Shakespeare's Macbeth 75."Life's fitful fever" Shakespeare's Macbeth 76."doctors are men who prescribe medicines in which they know very little about, to cure diseases which they know less in human beings of whom no nothing" Voltaire 77."There is no medicine to cure hatred" African Proverb 78."By medicine life may be prolonged, yet death will seize the doctor too" Shakespeare 79."the miserable hath no other medicine only hope" Shakespeare 80."He's the best physician that knows that knows the worthlessness of most medicines" Ben Franklin 81."Medicine can only cure curable diseases, and then not always" Chinese Proverb 82."Walking is man's best medicine" Hippocrates 83."The best of all medicines is resting and fasting" Ben Franklin 84."A merry heart doeth like medicine" King Solomon 85."Nursing would be a dream job if there were no doctors" Kosher 86."it's a very soft science in my mind, but obviously we'll take it"Stephen Grealy 87."now that practical skills have been developed enough to provide adequately for material needs, one of these scientists which are not devoted to the utilitarian ( arithmetic ) ends, has been able to arise in Egypt the priestly caste there having the leisure neces" Aristotle 88."A train wreck is coming. it is not about the science. It's how people see their food" Carol Tucker Foreman 90."I just hate to say the name "Pierce" Alex Karev (Justin Chambers) 91."2 A.M. and i am still awake writing this song if i ever get it down on paper it's no longer inside of me threatening the life it belongs to, and i feel like i am naked in front of a crowd cause this song is my diary screaming out loud and you will use it however want to.. cause you cant jump the track we are like cars on a cable and life is like an hourglass glued to the table no one can find the rewind button girl so cradle your head in your hands..." Anna Naylick 92.."You see the smile that's on my mouth, it is hiding the words that don't come out and all of our friends who think that i am blessed they don't know my head is a mess, NO, they don't know who i really am and they don't know what i have been through like you do, and i was made for you!!!" Brandi Carlile 93."No one likes a girl that gets emotional, Bailey" Erica Hahn (Brooke Smith) 94.."I LOVE that song" Bailey Giles " 95."You don't want a marriage you want a wedding" Malcom Doyle "Kevin" (James Mardsen) 96.."All we can do is keep breathing" Ingrid Michaelson 97."Loose ends they tangle down and then take flight but tie me down, never tie me down x2 Off i go where i fall is where i land, off i go where i fall is where i land 98.." did you say it? " Meredith Grey (Ellen Pompeo) 99.".. I don't need any charity work I have had enough to last me forever.. who said anything about charity? I have been looking everywhere for you" Drew Seeley and Selena Gomez 100."I am an intern, I have not started yet, do you know how long it takes? I am waxed and shaved and plucked, i want heat, ......... Dang it I want to feel like a woman." .Meredith Grey (Ellen Pompeo) 101."DO you need a leash? lets go!! no!! What do you mean no? I mean i can't walk due to the catheter and the epidural" Christina Yang (Sandra Oh) and Intern Steve Moscow (Mark Saul) 102. "all men by nature desire knowledge" Aristotle 103. " attitude is the little thing that makes a big difference" Winston Churchill 104. "being entirely honest with oneself is a good exercise" Sigmund Freud 105. "by far the best proof is experience" Francis Bacon 106. "Cowards die many times before their actual deaths" Gaius Julius Caesar 107. "Dreams are often most profound when they seem the most crazy" Sigmund Freud 108. Everything should be made as simple as possible but not simpler" Albert Einstein 109. "If you can't do it give up." Sigmund Freud 110. "If you can't explain it to a six year old then you don't understand it" Albert Einstein 111. "Imagination is more important than knowledge" Albert Einstein 112. "The only constant is change" Heraclitus 113. "When inspiration does not come i meet it halfway" Sigmund Freud 114. "You never fail until you stop trying" Albert Einstein 115. "Life is too short not to know what you want. Bailey Giles 116. "My grandmother was 85 years old and she could move faster than you, Lightening" Todd Giles 117. "A friend is a second self" Aristotle 118. "an eye for an eye makes the world blind" Ghandi 119. " Difficulties mastered are opportunities won. Winston Churchill 120."Dreams are often most profound when they seem the most crazy" Sigmund Freud 121. "Even a single hair can cast a shadow" Francis Bacon 122. Education is the best provision for the journey to old age" Aristotle 123. Everything flows, nothing stands still." Heraclitus 124. "for every minute you are angry you lose sixty seconds of happiness" Ralph Waldo Emerson 125. " I came, i saw, and i conquered" Julius Caesar 126. "I never the of the future. IT comes soon enough" Albert Einstein 127. "Life is to be lived, not controlled" Ralph Waldo Emerson 128. One is very crazy when in love." Sigmund Freud 129. "Poverty is the parent of revolution and crime" Aristotle 130. "Getting older is no problem you just have to live long enough" Croucho Marx 131."First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, and then you win" Ghandi 132. "A fool thinks of himself to be wise, but a wise man thinks of himself to be a fool" William Shakespeare 133. "I know that i am intelligent because i know that i know nothing" Socrates 134. " A man cannot be comfortable without his approval" Mark Twain 135. "A person who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new" Albert Einstein 136. " a man is a product of his own thoughts, what he thinks is what he becomes" Ghandi 137. "Attitude is a little things that makes a big difference" Winston Churchill 138. "Let the food be your medicine and the medicine be your food" Hippocrates 139. "Walking is a man's best medicine" Hippocrates 140. "Two things are infinite the universe and human stupidity.. . and am not so sure about the universe" Einstein 140. "Bipolar: Hard to live with BUT NOT impossible." Bailey Giles 141. I am who I am and that's who I want to be.. Why should I try to be anyone else?" Bailey Giles 142. I would rather be quirky and be who I am rather than try to "fit in" and try to be something I'm not." Bailey Giles. 143. "Two wrongs, don't make a right." Todd Giles 144. "When you truly think about it... Being part of the pack is overrated." Bailey Giles 145. "I'm a parent, I know these things." Todd and Tammy Giles"

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