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Favorite saying

  • "It's all there, black and white, clear as crystal! You stole fizzy lifting drinks! You bumped into the ceiling which now has to be washed and sterilized, so you get nothing! You lose! Good day, sir! "It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men." Frederick Douglass "I wanted to see you walking away from me Without the sensation of you leaving me alone" Counting Crows "And the price of a memory is the memory of the sorrow it brings" Counting Crows “Love is our true destiny. We do not find the meaning of life by ourselves alone-we find it with another.” Thomas Merton "In female breasts did sense and merit rule, The lover's mind would ask no other school; Shamed into sense, the scholars of our eyes, Our beaux from gallantry would soon be wise; Would gladly light, their homage to improve, The lamp of knowledge at the torch of love! " -The Rivals “Sometimes the hardest part isn't letting go but rather learning to start over.” - Nicole Sobon "It's only after we've lost everything that we are free to do anything" -FightClub "The most important things are the hardest to say, because words diminish them." -Stephen King "I've made the most important discovery of my life. It's only in the mysterious equation of love that any logic or reasons can be found. I'm only here tonight because of you. You are the only reason I am... you are all my reasons." -John Nash A Beautiful Mind "If riding in an airplane is flying, then riding in a boat is swimming. If you want to experience the element, then get out of the vehicle." - Anonymous “Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without.” – Buddha "Goodbye may seem forever, farewell is like the end, but In my heart there is a memory, and there you'll always be." - Fox and the hound "After I gave her the shocker and left she always came back, rapping at my chamber door. I told her never more, I would not again shock that whore. But she continued rapping on my chamber door, and before i knew it, she was on my floor....begging...MORE...MORE!!!!" -Edgar Allan Poe “The truth is, none of us are easy to date, deal with, or please all the time. We all have our vices, attitudes, & way of doing things that make us who we are. You won’t like everything about somebody, it’s impossible. This is life, it isn’t about finding the perfect person, it isn’t about living some fairy tale; it’s about finding something you’re willing to work for, with somebody who’s willing to work with you. That simple, find someone who has a heart for you and never stop fighting for them.” "So let me understand. The election process is like American Idol now...hand picked non-talent goes before the public...butchers a tune. The public is forced to vote for this staged/scripted/auto-tuned sham...only to have it turned over to a biased panel of disconnected judges. All the while, publicly in-tuned talent is squeezed out by the rigged networks, despite written undeniable rights. This reality show sucks." - Brian T Simmons “Be a loner. That gives you time to wonder, to search for the truth. Have holy curiosity. Make your life worth living.” ― Albert Einstein Love when you are ready, not when you are lonely."

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