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I am a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ, doing my job to share the gospel. I am the kind of person who almost always has some type of energy, so watch out! I care about everyone and I like to know how your doing. If you ever need help, i am here for you. I enjoy playing the piano (not good at it though). I am a truck person and my favorite make is a Dodge. but don't worry i'm not apart of the truck war, there's good and bad in every truck. For sports... well, I'm not a sports fan but i do enjoy playing outside lol. I do love to be outside and that does mean i enjoy camping, fishing, hiking, mudding, etc. I do have a problem that drives me crazy... I am bad with names! so please don't be offended if your name slips out of my head, be happy i know who you are ;)


  • PIA - Pittsburgh Institute of Aeronautics

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