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I am Noel!! The thing is always remember your roots where your from I think the only issue was like this wierd thing of being Perez is great, but as I told from my grandfather before he passed was to help my parents when needed and not forget them. Cause father after father left sad truth goes back through the line of father leaving! If I do ever have children I want to be there full time. It doesn't have to do with my parents things happened as not wished but it happened but can't dwell on the past must dwell on the future of life. I grant you respect � to thoses who earned it with sweat � and hard work to receive less attention. But in all truth the better man to let it stand for lord has a plan for them and me so I will use them as my strength that I overcome to be a better and stronger. One thing I am rebellious against somethings but one person I'm not I don't crave attention to thoses who don't respect me or my wishes I will not tolerate a man who thinks his boss every thing. Stupid man plays this game I'm better then so listen to me. When I get promoted to something I hate when someone try's to belittle me for myself it feels like disrespect thinking they are high and mighty. Things I enjoy � is my favorite friend I met about year ago from now October. The one person different then the ordinary but doesn't allow conflict destroy us. I enjoy bicycle rides, playing games, hiking, skating/ice skating, to walking alot while taking photos of my surroundings, bowling � is one of my favorite things besides playing pool, Drawing Manga style "Anime!". Most times unpredictable that I noticed prob more from my own wreck. Enjoy talking and making faces while working out! Hahaha! I like cats mostly tiger's in general, I love dogs too. Favorite food is lasagna yumm! The friends I talk too I enjoy most of all thankful for them everything they inspire greatness, besides they are Awesomely great most of all allow so much of my rudeness. Lol well most times! :) Learning to be awesome like my favorite friends!


  • Littlefield High School
  • Whiteface High School
  • Sudan High School

Favorite saying

  • "Blessed are the pure in heart; for they shall see God :Matthew 5-8"

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