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Just looking for new friends to have some good conversations over anything...I have a good sense of humor and I feel that I give good advice. So, if your interested and don't mind misspelling let conversate..

Favorite saying

  • "•Our Motto: "Being single should be about being someone, not finding someone." - Some say I give advice for "being with someone" also. Let's face the fact that 95% of Singles do hope for a relationship to evolve one day. My hidden message is this can happen if you are right within yourself; not necessarily get into a relationship but to “sustain” a relationship. Personal growth starts with being single in many cases. • By: Michelle Tijerina I may not be your first choice but I firmly know I am a great choice. I may not be rich but I am valuable, I don’t pretend to be someone who I’m not because I’m comfortable being me. I know I’m not perfect, but again I don’t need to be ~ take me as I am or watch me as I walk away from your life….."

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