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I am a skier. I am a golfer. I am a lover. Other than that, I am constantly changing and would hate to be put in a box.. I dare you to try and make me laugh. My greatest strength is being able to see the bright side of everything. I love my job. I am extremely grateful to have so many friends and so much love in my life. With that all being said, It is very likely that you have built an identity around every human that you have can identify with. This identity is purely your own mental perception of this person, and it is not even close to the reality of who that person really is. Whether its positive, or negative, its only a fraction.. We identify so strongly with our made up version of others that we make up imaginary stories and even get emotional about it. It is normal for us to wish better or worse circumstances for these people- all the while never fully realizing that we don't even know this person at all. It would be a very enlightening process to break down our perceived(false) identity that we have given each person and we replaced it with a clean slate.. Would you become so easily annoyed? Just for one moment ponder the things about yourself that you feel are often misunderstood by others... You cannot explain all of these things about yourself without risking sounding crazy, so instead imagine everybody as equal to you in almost every single way. To look down upon others is the worst disease you can have. It's contagious too, u can catch it just by talking to one wrong person... It is the opposite of love, and you will have little to no love in your life while you are under this spell.. There is no long term satisfaction within this mindset. It doesn't feel good. Instead we just feel so smart and right about everything.. The ego does not have a question it does not try to answer... The underlying emotion is always pessimism. These pessimists tell themselves they are realists. Realists are usually pessimists that havent woken up to the egos mind patterns(suffering). In this life, I have wasted so much of it mentally preparing for conversations or situations that have never happened. Defending myself from what I perceive you to perceive me as.. Most of this mental preparation is defensive. Like for instance, I may feel that somebody is judgemental, so i feel judged because of it, then i mentally prepare during my time in between seeing said person for all the things that I might be judged over.. Or maybe I just have an important business conversation and I want to prepare for every direction that the conversation could go.. During the past few years I have come to realize that this preparation doesn't actually help me at all. Instead it is just the Egos way of distracting me from the beauty of the present moment. Each passing moment presents us with the opportunity to be in awe. To celebrate the unkown. To see the vastness of the universe, the mountains, and the mind. To acknowledge the opportunity to feel love, to soak up the warmth of the suns rays, or to contemplate the slim chances of our mere existence. To be stressed out, offended, or caught up in useless mind chatter is a choice. Within that choice, we are presented with the opportunity to either acknowledge or miss out on all that is beautiful. To know that you have a choice, is the basis for all happiness. What would happen if you simply let the past go today? Imagine the possibilities... Acknowledge the choice..


  • Cornell University
  • Slippery Rock University
  • Bradford Area Senior High School
  • Bradford High

Favorite saying

  • "I have so many favorite quotations, most of them funny stuff my buddies or I have said. But to respect the privacy of our personal attempts at humor, I will quote my favorite author, Eckhart Tolle.... "We can learn not to keep situations or events alive in our minds, but to return our attention continuously to the pristine, timeless present moment rather than me caught up in mental movie-making. Our very Presence them becomes our identity, rather than our thoughts and emotions." "Thinking is no more than a tiny aspect of the totality of consiousness, the totality of who you are." "The primary cause of unhappiness is never the situation but your thoughts about it." "The ultimate truth to who you are is not I am this or I am that, but I am." "Only by awakening can you know the true meaning of that word." "What is the relationship between awareness and thinking? Awareness is the space in which thoughts exist when that space has become conscious of itself." "In zen they say:"Don't seek the truth, Just cease to cherish opinions." What does that mean? Let go of identification with your mind. Who you are beyond the mind then emerges by itself." "Acknowledging the good that is already in your life is the foundation for all abundance.""

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