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When GOD turns your setback around, it's called a SETUP! A setup for VICTORY, SUCCESS, PEACE, STABILITY & GROWTH! SELAH I love the Lord! That's the most important thing anyone needs to know about me. Everyday that i live, i strive to please Him. Some days are complete successes but other days are obviously harder to be consistent... but i try and that's what's up. I also just want to be loved and i want the things that i deem important to be important to significant people in my life. I really just want to be loved... and God FINALLY sent my husband to love me and my son! PRAISES TO GOD ONLY FOREVER!


  • West Georgia Technical College
  • Mt. Zion High School

Favorite saying

  • "I know the thoughts that i think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil; to give you a future, a hope and an expected end. Jeremiah 29:11Amp"

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