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i love super heros....! namee :: jasminee , iqoo too rex mill middle schooll ; ummm .. my favorite colorr iiszx reddd . ilikee too haanqq ouhtt w/ my familyy , cousennnszx , friendszxx , andd soo muchh moreee . sommee off the peoplee inn myyy lifee riqht noooww aree ; --* Averii ' --* Nena ' --* Tiala ' --* Kekee ' --* Alonz ' --* Mikky ' && ' Soo Muchhh Moree ;] . uqqh i hatee dramaa <$ uqqhh thee statuszx iszx sinqlee andd loveeeinnq ihhhtt <$ imm crazzyy buhttt just a lil ' bittt ;] hehe . iLikee too wear thee thinqszx likee AEROPOSTALE <$ AMERICAN EAGLE <$ CREATIVE RECREATIONS <$ JORDANS <$ ADIDAS <$ ABERCOMBIEE <$ POLO <$ BLAZERS <$ andd thatszx pretty muchh awll .. im frestt pointt blankk periodddd . ! uqqhh well im nott qonnnaa sit here andd sheree myy wholee dannqq lifee storyy w/ yall ; soo HMU . iff youhh qott thee numberrr . andd iff youhh donn ' t theenn inboxx mee forr ihtt . .. PS ! commentt myy pictureszx andd i ' ll returnn thee lovee <$ ( PC'fOE'PC ! ] ‎(`'?.? (`'?.?*?* ?.?'?) ?.?'?) (?`♥(?`♥ Welcome ♥??)♥??) (?.?'? (?.?'?*?* `'?.?) `'?.?)


  • Mt. Zion High School

Favorite saying

  • ";-0enimsaj(-;"

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