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  • Attended Uniiversity of Virginia off campus Arlington
  • Sharpsville Area Senior High School

Favorite saying

  • ""If God brings you to it, He will bring you through it." REMEMBER THESE THINGS: Happy moments, praise God. Difficult moments, seek God. Quiet moments, worship God. Painful moments, trust God. Every moment, thank God. (unknown source) THIS is the sum total, I think, of what and why we are all on this great planet called Earth. If you ever saw the movie called GIDEON, this was a very simplistic way to explain the above ~ "The world WE create is the world we LIVE in" other words, no matter who we are and no matter what our circumstances are (even in the worst situations), our environment is ours alone to make the best of ~ so how you form your surroundings determines your existence while on earth."

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