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Christina Ann Longmire

  • female
  • In a domestic partnership


yep ok if ya say so.... ha lmao say what.... I crack me up....??? well iam hot but iam also crazy but the people who know me best know i have an ill kick yours ass attitude but when u need someone too count on iam their i hate Whores and Bullshitters i love my kids family and friends ill give anyone 1 chance or 3 ... what more could a girl ask 4 other than great ????? and too all the christina haters out their u can kiss my !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Okay so sorry you didn’t get the memo It’s all about me bizotchs Hated by many Respected by All Loved by few. ORIGINAL WRECKING BALL

Favorite saying

  • "I ask the question around here! What you give is what you get! Dont poke the tiger! Live let live! An eye four an eye! ETC........did I say click off yep covers everything"

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