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Not a lot to to tell got out of school started working and still working


  • Thornridge High School
  • Thornton Township High School
  • Thornton Township High School
  • Thornton High School

Favorite saying

  • "That Racing Is Not A Sport Racing its more than a sport.Its a group of women and men who work on their cars to push car and driver to the edge to trade paint to put everything they have on the line to be the first to the checker flag and when all is done to shake the hand of the winner.For most local track teams its not about the money they know they wont win what it takes to race.Its the racing that brings you back you against all the other teams and if another team needs help you do what you can do to help for winning is sweeter when you beet everyone to the line.So if racing is not a sport what the hell is it."

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