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"They have nothing in their whole imperial arsenal that can break the spirit of one Irishman who doesnt want to be broken" - MP Bobby Sands 1954 - 1981 the leader of the Long Kesh hunger strike of 1981 RIP I am a simple person, I like simple things. The simple things to me are complex and deeper than the universal truth. so your law and order mean nothing it is artificial chaos, i believe in true chaos which is the natural order.


  • Rochester High School

Favorite saying

  • ""That is not dead which can eternal lie, for in some strange aeons even death may die" - HP Lovecraft "Kill them until they die from it!" - Plot Daemon "I have been called many things, evil, the devil, Anti-Christ, the son of Loki and amoral scum. You have called me a nice person to be around and I am insulted. I am not nice, I am practical so go crawl back in your mother and die" - Me "Ta, come back and visit soon or I'll pluck out your eyes!" - Sheogorath, Deadric Prince of Madness (if you get the reference you win)"

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