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hi my name is Blaine young and i am 24 going on 25 and let me tell you life is no joke with all my recent events i don't think i could have done it with out the help of the big man upstairs i was once lost but now i am found and i tell you if you believe in him the reward is such a bitter sweet and trust me all of you that know me and for those that don't i have an auto immune disorder and i have been fighting since i was 21 and i can tell you take it from me everyone needs god in there life cause he can and will make everything better and yea you do or will have to have patients but i am here to tell you its so sweet the reward and knowing that when you die where you are going so just always keep looking up and and never i mean never think your alone cause your not well like i said my name is Blaine and god turned my life around and my debt to him is so great but i would rather have debt with god himself than other ppl


  • North Georgia Technical College
  • Banks County High School

Favorite saying

  • "me love u long time lol and cant is not a word its an excuses that no one should ever use or learn cause you can and always can just you have to believe and over come"

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