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Mike Lee

  • male
  • Married


Let us open ourselves to the wonderful world and show the world all our hidden potential and wonderful talents. Together, we shall make the world peaceful, joyful, and beautiful. I am Dr. Mike Lee, 李易, 名慶學, 以字行, 號易儒齋主, 又號東寧居士. I have been interested in many disciplines, namely, science & technology, philosophy, theology, Martial Arts & Chinese Kungfu, Yi-Jing (易經, I-Ching--Principles of Change), traveling & touring, ballroom dancing, archeology, arts, singing, etc. I have been teaching Chinese Northern Shaolin Kungfu for decades and using Yi-Jing to help people optimizing their lives. I believe in God, the owner of all the Natural Principles in the Universe; I would like everyone realize and fully develop their hidden potentials. Working effectively and efficiently together, we shall make a better world on earth.


  • University of California, Berkeley
  • Walsh College
  • UC Berkeley
  • University of California, Berkeley
  • 國立成功大學 National Cheng Kung University
  • Taipei Municipal Chien-Kuo Senior High School 臺北市立建國高級中學

Favorite saying

  • "A genuine work of art, like a work of nature, will never reveal all its mysteries to the human mind. We view it, and it touches our soul. -- John Wolfgang von Goethe "It is wisdom to know others; It is enlightenment to know one's self. The conqueror of men is powerful; The master of himself is strong. It is wealth to be content; It is willful to force one's way on others. Endurance is to keep one's place; Long life it is to die and not perish." --Dao De Jing, Laozi, Chapter 33 Coincidence is God's way of remaining anonymous. --Albert Einstein, atheist World as I See It. Coincidences, synchronicities and serendipitous are all signs from the universe that you are on your true path. -- Carl Jung 當你的思想頻道和上帝的宇宙頻道相通時,你的雙眼和腦子會意識到並辨別出許多共通性,共時性和機缘性的種種巧合在你的週邊出現。 感恩吧!這是上帝賜予你和宇宙頻道相構通的修行大法! -- 易儒齋主, Dr. Mike Lee When the frequency of your mind matches the frequency of God's universe, your eyes and brain will sense and detect many coincidences, synchronicity, and serendipitous appearing surround you. Praise The Lord! This is the gift from God that will discipline you to match the frequency of its universe! -- Dr. Mike Lee"

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