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I love to laugh and spend time with family and friends, and always work on doing so more often. I’ve been told I have a big heart and can agree with that. Important accomplishments I've completed so far are...graduating high school, enlisting and serving in the Marine Corps for 4 years. This gave me the opportunity to experience a wide variety of different things otherwise not available to me at the time. I was able to travel around the world which resulted in me living in Okinawa, JA for two years and a quick visit to South Korea for 30 days. My time living abroad was incredible! I experienced and learned so much about different countries and cultures which was fascinating. After my time overseas I found myself stationed in Southern California, which was a nice transition back into the U.S. and eventually out of the military. Upon completion of my service and receiving an honorable discharge, I returned back home to Bellingham and started getting more interested in cars…more specifically their engines. After two and a half years of working at an engine re-manufacturing plant and teaching myself when I had time, I was now able to re-build a few different types of engines. I could do so successfully and in a timely manor. Nowadays it’s a hobby and passion of mine which I use to help people with their car problems, and have even saved myself a lot of money with my own (always an added bonus lol). Now at this point in my life, I'm looking to continue bettering myself as a person through reading, self-education/help, and attending more seminars on self-discovery and awareness. Even just by living my life day to day and taking away any beneficial lessons that I lear, is important to me. Someone I know once said “I want to feel good, more often in my life,” and to me this applies as well. I have big dreams, and get more and more motivated and excited as I start to work towards them. Anyways…that’s enough for now, anything else you wanna know just ask!


  • University of Maryland (UMUC)
  • Squalicum High School

Favorite saying

  • ""Just love her- Even when she's weak and she hurts you, just love her. Even if it doesn't pay off and in the end you have nothing, love her anyway." -Unknown "He who treads the path of love walks a thousand meters as if it were only one..." -Unknown “If the path be beautiful, let us not ask where it leads.” -Anatole Frances "You must be the change you wish to see in the world" -Mahatma Gandhi "I LOVE YOU, I'M SORRY, PLEASE FORGIVE ME, THANK YOU." -ZERO LIMITS"

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