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After a long and successful career in the Computer field I was called into the service of Jesus Christ in Feb. 2005. I heard a voice one night that said "if you want more of my Spirit, then you must stop drinking". At that time I drank a lot of alcohol, but stopped immediately and have not drank from that day forward. I then sold my business and went to work for the Lord full time. Since that time I have lost lands (3 rental properties), family, my house, and my retirement all in the service of the Lord. This does not deter me for the scriptures say that these things will happen. I fight on working for the Lord doing all that He leads me to do. My primary job for the Lord is to help people develop a real relationship with God. That is what the gospel is all about. It is NOT about going to church.


  • Johns Hopkins University
  • Bowling Green State University
  • Mount Vernon High School

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