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im 29 yrs old live in aragona village have a great husband and three beautiful girls im very easy going love to talk and meet new people dont care much for drama enjoy family life and a break now and then my only weakness in life is the fact that it kills me that i cant solve others problems one thing ive learned in life is that you dont have to forget what someone did but you can learn to forgive everyone has their faults you never know what day will be yours understanding and communication is the best thing in life without it its just drama

Favorite saying

  • "''was today really necessary'' i cant win for losin ,if it wasnt for bad luck id have no luck at all , if you cant handle me at my worse you dam as hell dont deserve me when im at my best, do everything they said you couldnt acheive everything they said you wouldnt, a mistake doesnt become an error until you choose not to fix it"

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