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Jenna Young

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Favorite saying

  • "*~*Nothing lasts forever, so love what you have while you still have it. Dont take anything for granted, because you never know when something will come to an end.*~* Love unconditionally Live without fear or regret Open your mind and your heart Though this life can bring you much pain and sadness Without that there would be no strength and love in this world Be not afraid of the changes that are made threw out your lifetime These challenges that you face only make you stronger; mind and soul Happiness is the key, the one thing that keeps us going If you take the time to look and think about the world and all that is apart of it You will find there are more beautiful things than you would have ever imagined Hold on to the beauty warmth and love Never forget Never let it go *Jenna What we need to experience, and what we can experience, is a saner gentler state of mind. This experiance is nt found in something outside of us... we must work with our own minds, with our own abilities, in order to have peaceful, rich minds. *Khenpo Karthar Rinpoche"

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