Travis Nihiser
- Birthday: May, 5
- Language: en_US
- Phone: (SSG) - LTVXQ - 827
- male
- Married
I believe that reality influences perception, creating a new reality. A factually based perception reality if you will. The glass is at the half way point! Is it half full or half empty? Well if you are in the process of filling my empty glass for me, I would indeed conclude that it is half full. On the other hand if you are in the process of emptying my full glass, I would indeed conclude that you have now left me half empty. In both cases the glass is at the half way point, the only facts that change, is the action of filling or the emptying. So where am I going with this!?! None of us are full. We all have plenty of room for more and we have plenty of room to lose, we are all at the half way point. The question remains how are you altering other peoples reality? Are you filling them up with good leaving them half full in life? Or are you emptying them out with bad leaving them feel half empty in life?