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I am not going to summarize my life to fit into a stupid text box at the bottom of a retarded profile on some social networking site that nobody will ever read! To prove it, I want EVERYBODY who reads this to send me a message with only the word (or words or hyphenated word...) "duck-butter" in it. I'm sure there is some sort of Facespace Splat-Chat thingy incorporated goddamnit that can be used. Also, I apparently forgot how to spell. I've had to back-track and fix a ton of red squigglys. Even on words I was positive that i spelled correctly!! I guess thats all part of being retarded!


  • UNLV

Favorite saying

  • ""I wish it were as easy to relieve hunger by rubbing an empty stomach" -Diogenes "There is no gravity, the Earth just sucks" -some old James Garner movie I saw when I was a kid "Everything is permissible, but not everything is beneficial" -Corinthians (maybe)2:6"

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