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Marlon Alvarez

  • male
  • In a relationship


"Its ok if you help people out, because through that you made their lives a bit easier by either giving them a good answer or by relieving them of some of the weight they carried. Its ok if people don't help you in your time of need, and your selfishness in your expectations of being helped the way you help others will only make things worse on yourself..... but a person who was helped over turning a stone will never know how to do it with out the strength of another. But the man who overturns his own boulder will learn to carry it, adapt to its weight and endure the pounds it gains from failures of life... he will learn to run with it, jump with it until the boulder becomes his leaning rock, n when that happens he will never break his back from the overwhelming weight... because he earned his rock, earned his place in life n earned his rank as a man. for every man there lies a woman who holds him, not for comfort, but for support... because life does not stop for a man it merely get complicated more n more. But this time, after he has proven he can flip a boulder n carry it with no ones help he will finally have the help he long desired, cuz the man ages with time and so does his strength.... but he will have his help right next to him so he can take a break when he's tired, his rock will rejuvinate him n motivate him to keep going. So its ok if no one helps u like u help... cuz the road may be hell for u but you'll become stronger, faster than the man who needs four arms to flip their boulder. Time doesn't heal shit, but it does train u for the worst... specially if u have no one that offers help, that's just extra experience points for you"-marlon

Favorite saying

  • ""Death doesn't mean that you've lost someone, so dont weep. Death just means that, that certain person, has moved on to another dimension in which your determined too go to." "its a constant war between the heart and the brain; emotions vs logic; wise choices vs foolish ones; fantasies vs reality.... but in the end ur just left twisted up like a blunt, to either burn slowly or take u to the heavens.... till trust pops in, n everything starts all over......""

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