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The 90's By Ed Bowen We were in our Genesis where the pumpkins were smashing, The crows were counting, The distortion was social, The puppets were made of meat, We lived in our own prison, Surrounded by beautiful people, The asylum had soul, Our jams had pearls in it, The boys were beastie, My first experience of everclear was not wonderful, We filtered our pictures, No one cared about sunscreen, All the stabbing's happened westward, Our corn was spelled wrong, Our third eye was blind, The chicks were really mad, The lightning crashed and dolphin's cried, We drank gin while we watched Blossom, We were living in gardens made of sound, Our hair styles were as wild as our troll doll collection, We were cumbersome, Our days were green, Fuel prices didn't make you hemorrhage in your hands, Our cranberries made you cry, We argued over what "Soy un perdedor" meant, Our surfers were buttholes, "F*@k you I won't do what you tell me!" became our mantra, Pilots flew stone temples, Ms. Vega took us to Tom's diner, We used the high school computer to look up the lyrics to "Say it Ain't So," The travelers are blue, The pipe was verve, And finally, Kurt lied when he "swore to God that he didn't have a gun." --Inspired by SirusXM, Lithium, channel 34.


  • William Henry Harrison High School (Evansville, Indiana)
  • William Henry Harrison High School

Favorite saying

  • ""..... and the panther said, "Huh?" --Brother Dave Gardner"

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