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After spending almost 13 years of selling real estate full time I decided to operate MaidPro Waterloo. I took over as President in November of 2010 and it has been a wild ride since. Growing the company from 14 employees to just shy of 50 in under 4 years of operations. I have two amazing sons Hunter and Devin. They are amazing and amaze me more and more every day as they continue to get older and grow. My hope as a father is to teach them hard work and focus equal success. I became divorced in June of 2014 after being married for almost 9 years. While change is difficult we as humans must embrace change and take with it the good and the bad. I am not one to elaborate openly as to my personal decisions so just deal with that part of me lol! I live each day like it is my last. Thanking God for every opportunity I have in my life. Good or bad a day is a day and I am blessed to have them. Love life as it truly is a gift and we never know when it will be taken away. My outlook on the future is bright and I look forward to continuing to grow MaidPro Waterloo into MaidPro of Iowa and hope my dreams of growth and determination can turn into reality. Through hard work and dedication anything is possible. In 2014 I was blessed with connecting with an amazing woman that worked side by side with me for over a year. Emily entered my life as a partner and brought with her an amazing little girl, her daughter Jayla, who I love as though she was my own. In 2015 we are pleased to announce we will be welcoming our first addition to our new family, my first daughter Bentley Maureen Wolfe. It is amazing how life can throw you curve balls and true skilled people can hit home runs each and every time.

Favorite saying

  • ""Dictionary is the only place that success comes before work. Hard work is the price we must pay for success. I think you can accomplish anything if you're willing to pay the price." ~Vince Lombardi"

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