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Just a country boy who moved to the city. Enjoy the country and city life, social activities and get-togethers. Shy at first until I get to know you. I'm kind, caring, compassionate to others and take in others feelings and concerns. I'm fair, and faithful. I may seem sweet and innocent and at times intimidating, but I also have a wild side and I always keep a mystery about me. My feelings sometimes gets hurt, but you would never know it and I'm also full of WITT. You never know what I may be thinking or what I would say or do...Ha..Ha. I love nature, and outdoor activities, dance, making friends and laughing. I hate fights and conflicts and believe that everybody needs to get along in this crazy world.


  • Rich Valley High School

Favorite saying

  • "Everybody needs a witness in there life to verify their existence and to tell the story of your life and to be their support and companion. Friends are Gods gift to mankind. Gather as many as you can and you are wealthy. Never judge a person by appearance or overlook them, because you may miss the gem hidden inside the exterior."

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