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I am a daydreamer. I am a Vampire. (I don't usually leave the house or my room until it's dark outside and then I return before the sun rises again.) I do not like crowds. (This is part of the reason I am a Vampire, at night there are fewer people out.) I HATE telling some one "no", therefore I tend to lie to a lot of people. I am a knowledge junkie. I try to know a little bit about everything. And if I don't know it then I'll go home and research it on the internet and I'll know it the next time you see me. I am a recluse. I spend a majority of my time alone and I'm cool with that because I march to my own drum beat, no one else's! I have a serious problem with authority. Tell me to do something and watch me do the opposite but ask and you usually will receive.

Favorite saying

  • "Well I'm sorry and I apologize For any pain I may have caused you And I made you my enemy But now I need you as my friend And I've been wrong for so long Not to ask for your forgiveness And if you don't accept, I'll understand But I need to make amends "

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