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I GO BY : Princess StarBerst BuNnY TwiinkFromHell BuNNY Super Fly !!! NaSty Gurl If you ever thought you saw me giving u An UGLY look in the Club-I probably was . But FEAR NOT I just had on my A+ BITCH FACE for everyone that night. If u have the Ovaries to Get to KNOW me Inside and out, You may find out Im quite the wonderful and loving HOE MOE.

Favorite saying

  • "Kisess On your Pink Spotz-Princess StarBerst and MOMMA BUNNY aka JB "My TITS ARE HUGE!, and i had a breast reduction , they are still HUGE."-AA Tickles on Ur SPeciaL Places -Princess StarBerst It so COLd u CoulD HaNG MeaT in This MotherFuc***-Dr. W B Eat mY RoSeBud SaLADe-uKnown I WanT to PLAy in THe LittER BOX-Princess StArBERst Tyler DaVENpoRt , You ArE My HERO-Jay P."

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