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I am happily married. I have a bonus son, Jared Ocean, another little guy, Aiden Alexander, and our new little addition, Khloe Jane, who I love very much and my kids are my world!!! I have a B.A. in Science from WKU and I am also in the process of getting my CMAA and Pharmacy Tech certifications!!! I am happily married for many yrs.(yes I was young when I got married, but I love him more and more each day(still). I have been through a ton of stuff good and bad in my life, and I am loving and living life, and learning every step of the way!!! I love God, he is my savior, and I am so blessed to have God in my life. My church is River Lake Church and our Pastor is Nic! I absolutely love my church and my church family!!!

Favorite saying

  • ""Frankly Scarlet I don't give a damn"(Gone with the Wind), "if you can't say something nice then don't say nothing at all"(Disney Bambi) "IT'S SANTA!!! (ELF) "Fra-gi-le!" (A Christmas Story) "I don't know Margo!" "It's a bit Nipply out!" "Bend over and I'll show you!" "Are you serious Clark!" "Shitters full!" And more from (Christmas Vacation)!!!! "With great power, comes great responsibility!" (Spider-Man/ Stan Lee) "All Right, All Right, All Right" (Dazed and Confused) "Laters Baby!""

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