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Who am I? I'm a christian, a mom, a grandma, a widow, a woman, a friend, a helper. I wear many hats in this life. My boys are my life. Having a large family can seem intimidating to many, but it's everything to me. The thing about my boys is this: they are mine. I don't need help when it comes to my boys. I've got this. What do I do? All kinds of things. I work full time and I take care of anything around the house that needs it. I like to stay busy and that's a good thing around here. I also try to help anyone I possibly can. I have a big heart and a huge capacity for love. If you do me right, I'll defend you until my dying breath. If you do me wrong, I will still wish the best for you, just separate from me. We are a christian household. God will lead us to where He wants us to be.

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