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Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today. God grant me the serenity to accept the things i cannot change, courage to change the things i can, and the wisdom to know the difference. You're an incredibly balanced person who rarely finds himselfe ruffled by day-to-day situations. You never seek conflict and often act as a gentle barrier between other people should a situation arise when they need a calming presence. Though you are best known for your centered and balanced nature and clarity in your sense of self, you are one of those people who can alter themselves when needed - this is not a negative attribute in your case, it simply means that you're open-minded to many feelings and situations and are willing to be deep and thoughtful one minute and clown around the next.Chances are that you weren’t always this balanced, and something happened in your life to make it so - usually we need something drastic and often painful to happen for us to really look at ourselves and take what necessary steps we need to become who we are at our strongest. Your self-awareness comes from self-inflicted discovery which is rare to find nowadays - there’s a big difference between self-aware and self-centered! You have big plans and ideas for your future and are determined to reach every goal that you have set, even if you feel that others doubt you.You're not always this calm and balanced however; sometimes you lose sight of yourself a little and in times like this you push people away and keep yourself distanced. You see your problems as your own and prefer to keep them separate from others - though there are a very select few that you trust enough to confide in.Remember: though you are a balanced person, people who are severely unbalanced can sometimes cloud your energy and confuse you. Stay strong and take time to gather yourself together if you need to; no one will think any less of you for taking some time for yourself away from those who are not so centered. Some Positive Qualities:Balanced; understanding; calm in situations where others may falter; honest; open-minded; awareness of self.Some Negative Qualities:Trusting too easily; having trust taken advantage of by those around you; honesty is sometimes too straight-forward for others to bear (remember that though you can handle the truth about yourself, others aren’t the same!).

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