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Some people question life and it's origin. Some question it's meaning. I've come to realize that in all fields of life we walk, one thing is certain: pain. Nothing else besides death is certain and pain walks hand in hand with it. -Patrick Paynter-


  • Smith-Cotton High School

Favorite saying

  • ""in all my time i've spent wondering about life and its purpose, i've come to a conclusion. it sucks and in most cases, isn't worth living. all we know for certain is pain and death. happiness is just as fleeting as the wind. and uncertain as water. death and pain are the only things that will forever remain certain and unchanging. because in all things in life, pain is there and death is just waiting patiently." myself "when i look around and i see all these people living their lives in conformity to society and it's norms, i get sick. why live your life by what other people deem normal? why live it in subjection to others? are we not all equal? so why let others define what you can and can't do? be who and what you want to be. forget norms and traditions. all they do is put a limit on what you can do." myself"

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